Sunday, February 23, 2014

I'm Demeter, the goddess of grains and harvest. My parents are Cronus and Rhea. Hades is my son in law i guess in some weird way. Like he is married to my daughter so it counts?. Anyway, Persephone disappeared one day and i was freaking out because you know my daughter was gone and i looked everywhere and couldn't find her. Eventually I figured out Hades had kidnapped her and taken her to the underworld to be his wife. He wouldn't give her back and fed her a pomegranate seed of the underworld. I was really mad at first before i found out he had her and i thought she was dead so i was like, if shes dead or without food then everyone can feel her pain. So yes i decided to create a world wide famine and let everyone starve because without my daughter she could have been going through the same thing. And i had a pretty opulent space to work with. That may or may not have made the almighty Zeus mad. Who cares he made Hades return Persephone to earth as long as she returned to the underworld during the winter months. I wasn't all for the idea but i had no choice. So since i got her back and she was safe i stopped the famine and started to let all the harvest grow again.

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